• The Civil War… October 19, 1861…

    Updated: 2011-10-31 15:13:56
    This week we continue with the our reflection upon the Civil War events of 150 years ago… as seen through the eyes of the original readers of the Harper’s Weekly issue printed for October 19, 1861. Note:  The following commentary was written by Dr. James Robertson* as part of a weekly review for the reprint [...]

  • Mark Twain on Mark Twain…

    Updated: 2011-10-31 15:13:56
    This item, originally appearing in the “Edinburgh Scotsman” was picked up by the “Jerusalem News” issue of March 20, 1920.

  • The Traveler… we’ve come a long way baby…

    Updated: 2011-10-31 15:13:56
    This week I traveled to The Woman’s Journal of October 14, 1911. This issue was celebrating after waiting two days for the outcome of the California election on the suffrage vote… “reading first with despair, then with growing hope and finally with jubilation the conflicting reports that came over the wires… Praise God. Victory ours. [...]

  • How Sitting Bull got his name…

    Updated: 2011-10-31 15:13:56
    This interesting tidbit appeared in the “Pittsfield Sun“, Massachusetts, March 16, 1881 issue:

  • Advice to the working men of England…

    Updated: 2011-10-31 15:13:56
    The very first issue of: “The British Workman” from London, our item 541456, offers advice from Lord Palmerston, a British statesman and two-time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which included forward-thinking comments no the use of tobacco.  The comments on alcohol are very appropriate today as well:

  • The Civil War… October 26, 1861…

    Updated: 2011-10-31 15:13:56
    This week we continue with the our reflection upon the Civil War events of 150 years ago… as seen through the eyes of the original readers of the Harper’s Weekly issue printed for October 26, 1861. Note:  The following commentary was written by Dr. James Robertson* as part of a weekly review for the reprint [...]

  • The Civil War… October 12, 1861…

    Updated: 2011-10-31 15:13:56
    This week we continue with the our reflection upon the Civil War events of 150 years ago… as seen through the eyes of the original readers of the Harper’s Weekly issue printed for October 12, 1861. Note:  The following commentary was written by Dr. James Robertson* as part of a weekly review for the reprint [...]

  • Obscure Latin term clarified

    Updated: 2011-10-27 14:30:50
    A rather obscure Latin term found in the proceedings of the Salem Witch Trials was apparently incorrectly transcribed in the 19th century. It has appeared in every other book about the trials published since. After many years, the true meaning of the term has been revealed! To all interested scholars: please refrain from using the word procedeulia (ani). It simply does not exist in Latin: Medical Latin gone awry See also: Latin quotes and phrases

  • Tea Party and 'Occupy Wall Street' Crowds Originate From Same Source -- Populist Distrust of Financial and Political Elites

    Updated: 2011-10-15 19:30:56

  • Arab Spring Inspired, In Part, By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and US Civil Rights Movement

    Updated: 2011-10-14 13:06:38

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